Staying Active when you have an injury

Whether your injury is big or small, it is always a pain!! No matter what you have done to yourself, it will cause you to slow down. I know this feeling well, as I recently had another shoulder reconstruction myself, my fourth. It’s important to take the time to recover even I was out of action for a week! However, there is no reason to cease activity completely, and after you’ve seen your doctor and received medical clearance, there are ways you can work out around your injury and continue to keep up your fitness levels. I was back boxing two and a half weeks post surgery with my bad arm strapped to my body.

Find excuses to work around your injury. Do not use it as an excuse!

There’s no need to stay indoors or ride the couch for weeks! Follow my simple tips for ways to stay active when you have an injury.


  • Always stick to the guidelines set by your health professionals
  • Be sensible and if it hurts (a bad type of hurt) stop.
  • Be consistent and never go more than two days without training.
  • Work with an experienced trainer to maximise results and minimise risk
  • Exercising correctly will keep you positive mentally and healthy physically and speed up recovery.


An injury will be far tougher psychologically than it will be physically.

Your head will give you a myriad of reasons not to train. It will test your character and show you what you’re really made of. I have had to start back right on the bottom rung of fitness.

It’s disheartening and frustrating but I managed to turn those feelings into fire and fight and use them to push on through the grind.

I needed to change the way I was feeling, stop feeling sorry for myself, thinking about where I used to be and start being thankful for what I had, not what I DIDN’T.

With courage, determination and time my injury will heal which is far more than a lot of people have to chance to do. So it’s time to Harden Up. Train….Don’t Complain. Be thankful for what you HAVE not what you DON’T!